
19 May 2022

Webinar – Take control of your school buildings with a condition survey

Webinar – Take control of your school buildings with a condition survey

Time: 11:00

Take control of your school buildings with a condition survey

Join our webinar to understand how a school building condition survey will help you manage the long-term financial planning of your school estate.

In this session, we’ll discuss how a survey can enable planned maintenance and management backed up by comprehensive data to identify the lifecycle costings of your assets and buildings.

The process helps schools manage budgets and prioritise works, making informed investment decisions based on condition and estimated repair costs.

As another tool in your net zero toolbox, this is an essential session to understand how to further accelerate your net zero roadmap with a clear prioritisation of works.

Speakers: Ben Foster, Design Manager of Zenergi’s technical division, Briar Chris Jermy, Head of Business Development – Education

Listen to the recording here

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