
27 Apr 2020

ISBL Energy Framework continued

ISBL Energy Framework continued

Zenergi and ISBL’s energy framework renewed for another 4 years!

Zenergi is proud to confirm the renewal of our Energy Framework with ISBL.

The framework is designed to give School Business Professionals (SBPs) and Finance Directors the widest choice for their energy procurement, while allowing them to gain control of their energy costs and develop a better understanding of them.

Trusted suppliers are included in the framework and participants are supported to make informed choices about the length and type of contract (fixed or flexible) that suits the individual needs of each school. For a list of these suppliers, please contact us.

Our ongoing commitment to excellent customer service means we can check and validate bills ahead of payment and take care of queries with suppliers. 

What are the key benefits of using this framework versus other procurement options?

Our framework aims to encourage choice, information, best value and simplicity.

  • contract renewal rates in advance and not just indicative ‘X% increase’;
  • a helpful notice period so you can prepare your own evaluation/tender to secure the best value contracts;
  • choice of contract lengths and tariffs;
  • service level agreement to handle your queries;
  • regular reporting to assist with carbon/consumption reduction and forecasting.

To understand more, please get in touch with us or visit the ISBL website.

Let’s change energy together

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