
10 Jun 2019

Could you be missing out on funding to reduce energy bills and be greener?

Could you be missing out on funding to reduce energy bills and be greener?

Could you be missing out on funding to reduce energy bills and be greener?

Over the past 10 years, Zenergi has worked with a number of schools across the country, helping them to tackle difficult energy challenges and become more efficient. We have raised over £10 million in funding for a range of projects that have enabled the installation of more modern, energy saving technologies.

In recent years, the government has become much more proactive in helping the public sector, particularly schools, to cut carbon emissions and become more efficient. One way in which they have tried to achieve this is through new funding programmes, like SEEF.

SEEF, also known as the Salix Energy Efficiency Fund, is a government funding programme that provides interest free loans to the public sector, aimed at reducing emissions and energy costs. This is something all schools have been asked to achieve by 2020.

So, who can apply for this funding?

● Academies (Individual and Multi Academy Trusts with under 5 sites)
● Free Schools
● Sixth Form Colleges
● Universities

As you’re probably aware, upfront capital funding is a common barrier for those in the education sector seeking to cut their energy consumption. However, Salix removes this by providing 100% interest-free loans to schools and educational facilities that meet the necessary criteria.

This capital is then used to cut energy costs by replacing dated, inefficient systems with the very latest energy efficient technologies, of which there are more than 120. This can cover anything from LED lighting to heating control refurbishments and insulation.

One of the key criteria of this funding is returns on investment. Any project that uses this funding is required to have a minimum payback of 8 years or better. The savings that are then made through these projects can then be used to repay the initial loan within a maximum of 8 years.

Since 2004, this scheme alone has invested more than £740 million in over 17,000 energy efficient projects that now return an annual energy savings worth an estimated £164 million.

Zenergi and their sister company, Briar Associates, can provide a ‘one stop solution’ to Salix bids by helping clients identify Salix compliant projects. Our team’s unique set of skills and experience, particularly within the education sector, means we can compile and deliver a successful bid on any school’s behalf. Once funding is then approved, we can design, tender and deliver these projects in full.

The stronger the bid the better chance your school has of being successful, so using an experienced energy consultant like Zenergi can significantly improve your chances of success.

To find out more about Salix funding please get in touch with the friendly team at Zenergi by completing the contacts form or picking up the phone 02380 286 300 or email 


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