
15 Mar 2022

Climate Crisis Game

Climate Crisis Game

Play our browser-based game to understand what really makes a difference to the environment we live in.

In our game, you can become a Zengineer and help your very own community to become part of the GREEN revolution.

Keep your residents happy by making improvements to your community that reduce its climate impact, and earn Zen tokens for more improvements along the way!

Use your Zen tokens to install energy-efficient products like LED bulbs, or renewable energy, and watch your community’s happiness level rise and your carbon emissions shrink.

Climate Crisis!

We’re in a climate emergency and it’s threatening our planet. According to experts, we’re on track for an increase of between 3°C and 4°C by 2100. And these are only global average temperatures.

At the poles and over land (where people live), the increase may be higher – possibly even double!

Consequences of climate change

There will be devastating consequences as temperatures sour. Changes will be irreversible as ecosystems collapse. Our planet will be unrecognisable.

What can we do?

We need to seriously reduce our emissions, and find a way of reversing the damage already done. The UK has pledged to be carbon neutral by 2050, but do you know how you can help achieve it?

As you play Climate Crisis you will be able to upgrade and enhance your facilities and residential areas to make your world a better, safer and cleaner place for the population to live!

It’s your turn to try!

Educate yourself on what you and everyone else can do to reduce your impact on the environment and help prevent a Climate Crisis.

Keep an eye on your vital statistics of Energy Consumption, Happiness and the money you have to spend as well as the all-important Climate Impact score.

Learn more about Climate Crisis by watching our video:

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