Case study


How we found savings of more than 25% for Cheam Fields Primary Academy

A TM44 air conditioning inspection revealed key energy-saving opportunities for this Sutton school, cutting costs by 25% and ensuring compliance.

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How we found savings of more than 25% for Cheam Fields Primary Academy
Annual A/C operating cost
Annual saving of largest opportunity

If your school’s air conditioning system has a combined cooling capacity of over 12kW, you’re legally required to comply with TM44 regulations.

Cheam Fields Primary Academy in Sutton, part of the LEO Academy Trust, has 11 air conditioning units serving classrooms, the kitchen and staff room, server room, office and reception areas. Together, the combined cooling capacity of these units is 60.4 kW. This made compliance with TM44 regulations a must – as well as an opportunity for savings.

How did we help

Our accredited assessor visited Cheam Fields Primary Academy to carry out an inspection of the air conditioning systems.

The inspection included a detailed review of system performance, identification of faults, and opportunities for energy savings. After the site survey, we produced the compliance certificate and lodged it with the central register.

But we didn’t stop there. Unlike standard TM44 inspections, we provide a supplementary energy report that’s easy to understand and highlights exactly how much money can be saved by implementing recommendations.

Feedback from Cheam Fields Primary Academy

This is excellent, I was really blown away by the detail and scope of the report. We are pleased to know that, not only are we compliant with the regulation, but that we can reduce our impact on the planet and make some significant annual cost savings too – many of which can be achieved at no cost to ourselves.

John Llewellyn

Trust Premises Manager

LEO Academy Trust

Why it matters

Air conditioning systems use chemicals called Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), which can be thousands of times more harmful to the environment than carbon dioxide if they leak.

Some HFCs are more than 13,000 times more harmful to the ozone layer, with the most commonly used typically 3,500 times more damaging. Therefore, maintaining compliance with TM44 inspections isn’t just important to avoid penalties, it protects the planet – and can save money too.

Quick wins

The TM44 assessment at Cheam Fields Primary Academy identified several practical no-cost and low cost recommendations for improving the efficiency of the air conditioning systems, including.

  • Correcting time schedules on controllers, saving £779.08 per year.
  • Adjusting temperature set points by 2°C, saving an additional £1,223.43 per year.
  • Identifying that 10 out of 11 units were oversized, with one offering 112% more cooling capacity than needed, with another at 97% and a third at 75%.

Annual cost saving of adjusting temperature set points by 2°C: £1,223.43

31 CO₂e

of total system global warming potential equivalent

3.3 (A)

in average Energy Efficiency Ratio of the air conditioning systems


of annual cost saving in correcting time schedules


of annual cost saving in adjusting temperature set points by 2°C

Could your school be overpaying on energy? A simple TM44 inspection can identify hidden savings at your school too, improving efficiency and keeping your buildings compliant. Cheam Fields Primary Academy’s actions and results demonstrate that even energy-efficient systems can deliver big savings with small adjustments.

Chris Jermy Director of Customer Success Zenergi

Ready to learn more? Start a conversation with one of our experts today.

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Products used to result in Cheam Fields Primary Academy savings

TM44 Air Conditioning Inspections

TM44 Air Conditioning Inspections

TM44 Air Conditioning Inspections

TM44 Air Conditioning Inspections

Our accredited assessors will carry out a comprehensive inspection to review the efficiency of your system, check for faults and provide advice on how to make it more cost effective to run. We'll ensure you're compliant with regulations and provide a full report, detailing findings and next stage recommendations.
Find out more

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