Zenergi has supported Leigh Academies Trust with its energy procurement for more than 10 years.
When the Trust was facing a significant increase at renewal, Zenergi hosted a workshop to explore alternative procurement options. Leigh Academies Trust adopted Zenergi’s Zen Flex Bespoke product. It enables the Trust to take advantage of market movements by purchasing a volume of energy in advance, while also trading on the day-ahead market to spread the risk of volatility.
Zenergi’s expertise and flexible procurement strategy have been invaluable to Leigh Academies Trust. The Zen Flex Bespoke product has helped us navigate the volatile energy market, achieve significant cost savings and budget certainty. We’re extremely pleased with the results and ongoing performance and would recommend Zenergi to other organisations seeking to optimise their energy costs.
Richard Cottam MSc
Deputy Estates Director
Leigh Academies Trust
The purchasing strategy is managed by Zenergi’s Energy Markets team who use their expertise to navigate market movements effectively, devising strategic trading approaches that leverage opportunities to secure competitive energy prices
It is one of several flexible procurement strategies that Zenergi manages on behalf of customers who want to take advantage of market movements to minimise energy costs.
Leigh Academies Trust’s experience demonstrates how embracing a flexible strategy leveraging the wealth of experience of Zenergi’s Energy Markets team can offer substantial budget savings.
projected from our Energy Team's purchasing strategy.
The three-year strategy has enabled Leigh Academies Trust to achieve a saving against budget of £399,311 for year one alone. The savings for the duration of the contract are forecast at £200,287 for year two and £43,511 for year three. The projected savings amount to a total of £643,109.