Despite its modest size, the school’s water usage far exceeded benchmarks for secondary schools. Armed with our expertise and a determination to get to the root of the issue, we began our investigation. What we discovered was shocking; a massive, hidden leak silently draining the school of its resources and budget.
We carried out a water benchmarking analysis, comparing the annual m³ of water for each pupil to standard benchmark figures. We discovered that Linton Village College’s water consumption was well above the benchmark figure for a secondary school.
Our analysis of the meter readings found that the school was consuming 1,000 litres of water every hour throughout the night when the school was closed. Throughout the 24 hours of the survey, 28,800 litres of water was used, 55% of which was consumed when pupils weren’t on site. The culprit? A massive, hidden leak.
This wasn’t just an environmental problem – it was a financial one, costing the school thousands every year. We calculated that around 6,200m³ of water was leaking from this site annually, equating to 78% of the site’s total annual consumption.
To support our Environmental and Sustainability Policy, we undertook water surveys. The surveys suggested easy and cost effective solutions across key sites where losses were identified. Our investment was very beneficial to the Trust to establish our benchmark and identify low cost saving opportunities.
Claudine Bateman
Director of Operations
Anglian Learning
Our investigation pinpointed the leaks to the toilets and urinals. We recommended repairs costing less than £2,000 which would pay for themselves in under two months.
Our low-cost measures will lead to annual cost savings of approximately £16,176. This is equivalent to an 80% reduction in the current financial cost of water for Linton Village College.
Schools like Linton Village College play a vital role in showing their communities what sustainability looks like in practice. By addressing hidden leaks and improving efficiency, the school is leading by example in safeguarding scarce resources.
Linton Village College’s story highlights how even small investments can deliver substantial savings and environmental benefits.
Let us help you uncover hidden inefficiencies and reduce costs with tailored water surveys and actionable recommendations.