Case study


Reading Borough Council: Future-proofing buildings to comply with 2030 energy efficiency targets.

Zenergi carried out the delivery of commercial Energy Performance Certificates for 52 properties in Reading to meet compliance with the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards.

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Reading Borough Council: Future-proofing buildings to comply with 2030 energy efficiency targets.

Corporate action on climate change is one of three main areas that Reading Borough Council is focused on in its climate change policy. Zenergi carried out the delivery of commercial Energy Performance Certificates for 52 properties in Reading to meet compliance with the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards.

Case study highlights

Zenergi helps Reading Borough Council ensure that its commercial property portfolio is compliant with the current energy performance standard of an E rating,

Reading Borough Council can plan for the future proposed improvements in the standard to a C rating by 2027 and a B rating by 2030.

The Council is mitigating any potential impact of the devaluation of its commercial assets.

Complying with the requirements of the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards

As part of the focus on reducing emissions, Reading Borough Council wanted to ensure that its commercial property portfolio is compliant with the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES). MEES aims to improve the energy efficiency of the national building stock. The minimum standard is currently an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of E, this will move to a C rating by 2027 and then a B rating by 2030.

Zenergi helps Reading Borough Council to ensure that its commercial property portfolio is compliant with the current standard of an E rating, while helping to plan for the future proposed improvements in the standard to a C rating by 2027 and a B rating by 2030.

Preparing to improve the energy efficiency of commercial buildings by 2030

Zenergi carried out the delivery of commercial EPCs for 52 properties in the Reading Borough Council portfolio, including offices, shops, community centres and sports facilities. Zenergi visited each individual building to carry out a survey on site. Following each site visit the EPC and MEES reports were provided to Reading Borough Council. For any buildings where the EPC rating was lower than a B, Zenergi provided a MEES Asset Rating Optimisation report. The Optimisation Report identifies recommendations that will improve the rating. This allows the Council to review and plan for the improvement recommendations to ensure that its commercial buildings are compliant with the future requirements of MEES.

Protecting the value of Reading Borough Council’s buildings

By taking proactive action to comply with MEES as soon as possible, Reading Borough Council is mitigating any potential impact of the devaluation of its commercial assets.

Reading Borough Council is demonstrating good property management by understanding the Asset Rating of its properties. Without the knowledge of the Asset Rating, plans can’t be implemented to make energy efficiency improvements. Reading Borough Council will use Zenergi’s MEES Asset Optimisation Report to make decisions about its assets and any installations required to improve the EPC Asset Ratings of its commercial properties to comply with future MEES requirements.

Establishing the EPC ratings for our commercial buildings is an essential starting point to comply with MEES. The MEES reports provided by Zenergi provide detailed direction of how to improve the ratings in the most cost-effective way.

Michelle Wilcox MRICS

Senior Valuer

Reading Borough Council

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