
11 Feb 2015

P272 – Important changes to your electricity metering and billing arrangements

P272 – Important changes to your electricity metering and billing arrangements

Recently, Ofgem announced mandatory changes for electricity customers with Profile Class 05-
08 metering systems.

A large scale change program has upgraded meters within Profile Classes 05-08 to ‘advanced’
meter types (AMR2) capable of being read remotely and automatically recording Half Hourly
consumption. This change will allow suppliers to make use of the Half Hourly consumption
data to achieve more accurate billing, while also reducing the requirement for meter reader

All energy suppliers have been mandated to trade Profile Class 05-08 customers using Half
Hourly data, effective from 1st April 2016.

As your supplier, we are taking this opportunity to let you know what we are doing to prepare
for this change and to help you understand how it might affect you. Firstly, please be
reassured that there is nothing you need to do right now, as we are just writing to you to keep
you informed of future changes.

This mandate will require a change to industry billing systems but it is unlikely there will be a
need to physically change your meter. Your Profile Class will change and your bills may reflect
a different Half Hourly charging structure.

We are reviewing the customers that we supply to determine who will be affected by the
changes and in which ways. Although we are unable to confirm at this stage when individual
meters will change over, we will be communicating to each customer before commencing any

Please note that, due to the uncertainty of pass through charging arrangements, we are not
able to provide any speculative Half Hourly quotes at this time for these meter types.

At this stage it is not clear what financial impact this might have on individual customers,
although we will expect to have a better understanding in the coming months. We will be
issuing a communication update in late February 2015 when we will have more information for




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