
02 Mar 2015

British Gas Business – Service Debacle

British Gas Business – Service Debacle

As you may be painfully aware, since October British Gas have been unable to produce supply invoices within their new S.A.P. billing system, in addition to numerous registration failures they have serious issues and quite frankly if they were not British Gas they may well have gone out of business as a result.

Quite an unbelievable series of events really, but since this whole debacle started we have been having bi-daily conference calls, meetings with their Directors in Oxford, and very frequent meetings with their Customer service teams. In essence they have their hands tied by the new system and the scale of the issue is unprecedented, stretching across the whole of British Gas’ portfolio including Local Authorities, direct supply and other brokers. While we continue to push British Gas hard and have seen some progress, with an increased number of invoices coming through in the last few weeks (many still incorrect), unfortunately a widespread resolution is not yet in sight.

So, time for some serious action. To that end, and to assist our customers we are offering to provide, as an interim measure, a report that shows an estimate for a 12 month period of the current agreement start date, which we trust will be useful bearing in mind we are approaching the end of the financial year. The projection will be based on the contract details together with an estimate of annual usage and consumption patterns, using our many years’ of experience in the sector.

We are also offering our customers an option to move onto a Budget Plan product which would enable fixed budgeting and payment administration reduction as well as mitigating the need for supplier invoices in the short term. The whole team here at Zenergi, are driven to address these unprecedented issues and we will do whatever we can in our power to help overcome these to the best of our ability; ultimately giving you what you want.

As a first step we hope this helps you in your role and moves things forward to your satisfaction. We will of course keep you updated on progress as we continue to work with all concerned

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