
13 May 2016

It’s great to be with Zenergi ! – Harlow Fields School and College Orchard Initiative

It’s great to be with Zenergi ! – Harlow Fields School and College Orchard Initiative

As a Special Needs School we aim to provide life skills to our young learners and providing them the opportunity to be able to learn horticultural skills is something they can use outside of the school environment. Therefore, everything we are doing with this land will be closely linked to the education of our pupils.

However, this also links to our sustainability commitment in that what we grow in the vegetable area and also the crops from the Orchard will be used by the catering department, again all closely linked to the education of the pupils. Likewise, we aim to commit more effort to our Echo project and utilising this area as we have including our “NEW” Remembrance Garden helps us achieve this.

We are working closely with Harlow Regeneration team, Employ-ability and Rainbow Services to bring this area into use for the local community so they can use this space, not only for horticultural purposes, but creating a working party to assist in maintaining the area.

The opportunities are endless, however, without the kind donation / sponsorship from companies like Zenergi this would have simply not been possible.

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